FatPudding's Guides
(MMORPG - Ghost Online 귀혼)

Server: Korean Ghost Online - 사묵성 [Level 185]

A retired SSO/KGO player and author of these mini guides intended for the international Ghost Online community (with contributions from a group of very experienced players). As of 2019, I have stopped writing guides due to personal commitments but I hope this site will continue to be useful as a place of reference and discussion. Thank you so much and I truly appreciate the support from you guys over the years! 🥰✊

NOTE: Please credit this website if you wish to cite any guides here to an external blog or forum. Thank you!

Job Advancement Guides

General Guides

Skill Builds (Retired - Just for reference)

Archived KGO Events


Discussion Section

Don't be shy! Say hi with your character name :)

FAQ Section

Do check the FAQ section as I may have already answered a similar question in the past 😊

Watch my Yangak gameplay

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1) Account Related
2) Cash Item Related
3) Guide Related
4) Game Related

TIP: Use CTRL + F to find the keyword to a question

Can you help me make a KGO account / get a Korean phone number to verify my ID?

I will be very straightforward with this question, NO and strictly no exceptions due to the following reasons:

1) KGO accounts need to be verified with a registered Korean phone number, I am not a Korean national, nor do I stay in Korea, so it is impossible for me to get a registered number under one of the major telcoms in Korea. Many people have asked me to approach my Korean friends to ask for their number, which I will not do so because of reasons (2), (3) and (4).

2) Most if not all Koreans are unwilling to reveal their phone number as it is tied to their National IDs. If the account is found to be guilty of fraud or illegal activities, the owner of the phone number of that ID will get in legal trouble and could go to court. I will not risk any of my Korean friends going through any of that trouble in the event of someone misusing their IDs.

3) I am not extremely close to anyone in KGO to be able to ask for their number so casually, not to mention it is a very awkward question. It is also time-consuming to build a good rapport with players in the game, and I do not want to make friends with a hidden intention of getting their numbers in the end. Moreover, I do not have so much time to do so.

4) The last and most important reason is that there have been many cases of these verified IDs getting hacked after their characters have reached a high level or have obtained a lot of gold (I've had a friend whose ID got hacked after 3 years by a Korean who was his "closest friend" in KGO, whom had happily offered to help him verify his ID at the beginning). I do not want to be held responsible if anything happens to your account, nor do I want to deal with game drama.

NOTE: A word of warning, if any Korean stranger happily offers to lend you their phone number to verify a new ID, please be careful. Even if you change the password in that ID, the hacker is still able to change your password as long as he has the phone number used to verify the ID. The only way to stop him from changing your password again is to change the phone number used to verify the ID.

If you really want to obtain a KGO ID, the best bets would be:

1) To ask someone in the KGO FB groups if they would be willing to sell their accounts.

2) I have heard that you are able to buy verified KGO IDs from a certain website for about $10 USD per account. I'm not sure if that website is reliable, so it is up to your own discretion. I would never advise anyone to get an account through illegal means.

This is the question that has been asked the most, and I hope you can understand this from my position. It is not easy for me to reject a request for help from another person by my nature to want to help everybody, but this is just one thing I cannot do.


What is the difference between gold drop rate and gold drop amount for gems? Which is better?

Gold drop rate increases the frequency of gold dropping from mobs, so e.g. with lesser drop rate, maybe 1 out of 10 mobs will drop gold, but with higher drop rate, 6 out of 10 mobs will drop gold (this is just a theoretical example). Dropped gold amount would be e.g. 1 out of 10 mobs drop 5000 gold, but with higher gold drop amount, the chances of gold dropping is still 1 out of 10, however the mob now drops 10,000 gold instead.

Personally, I would choose gold drop rate over gold drop amount :)

Can I switch from Justice/Chaos Factions to EF Factions with the Faction Reset Amulet?

No, the Faction Reset Amulet does not work with EF classes.

How do I use the Pet Mount item?

Right-click on the item to mount your pet (make sure your pet is not on defensive mode). To unmount, right-click on the item again. 

Can I still receive EXP/pick up items while mounted on my pet?

Yep you can still pick up items, souls and receive party EXP while mounted, without receiving damage from mobs.

Can the equipment conversion amulet convert EF equip back to normal?

Yep it can convert weapons and armors from normal to EF and from EF back to normal.

Can you pull out gems already placed on equipment/remove the existing gem effect from equipment?

No, unfortunately that's not possible :(


Can you make a [insert job here] skill build guide?

I am not adept at these classes having only played them minimally, I can't make class guides for them as I'll be giving the wrong advice to new players. I can only make skill build guides if I have either:

1) played a job myself beyond level 143 or

2) have found an experienced player who is willing to help to write a guide for that particular job

I am a perfectionist and am very picky about any mistakes in the guides, hence I cannot make a skill build guide for jobs that I am not familiar with. Sorry about that!

Would Step (1) in your Money Making Guide for KGO work with SSO?

I would say yes but not as effectively as SSO does not have Grade 5 equipment drop rate gems yet, so the equipment drop rate will be significantly lower.

Are the guides related to SSO?

Guides related to SSO will be marked with (SSO) beside it and guides related to KGO will be marked with (KGO) beside it. Guides that are not marked (SSO) or (KGO) are applicable to both games :)


I'm stuck in a map, how can i make my character move again without logging off or changing channels?

Type "/xc"

I used the "send item" function in the Security/Warehouse NPC to my alt char, but I can't find it in the giftbox. What should I do now?

Check whether your alt char has received an arrow from the char that sent the item, if it has received an arrow, check the Security/Warehouse NPC with your alt char. If you didn't receive an arrow on your alt, you may have mistyped the character name :(

What is the formula to get past the Teeth stage in Yangak without dying?

The safe zones are:
Bottom: 5, 5, 5
Middle: 4, 4, 4
Top: 5, 5, 4

Alternatively, if you have super high defence and HP or if you're a Mage/Magi with maxed GhostShield, you can just use block and refill your HP quickly.

How do i unlock the Daily quests from Hamura Merchant in Netherworld?

Take the "Road to Netherworld" quest [황천으로의길(1)] from NPC Chaste Security -> Find NPC Haran (백화람) at Justice Faction Building in Chaste Hall -> Back to NPC Chaste Security -> Take quest [황천으로의길(2)] -> Talk to NPC Hamura Merchant in Netherworld

Can Minions raise your stats?

Nope, Minions do not raise your stats, they are just like a fighting companion/buddy. They do however increase your avatar's attack if you equip one with the same element as your avatar while in avatar form.

How can I make gold in SSO?

1) Farm Hellgold pouches at Blazing Wheel and sell them.
2) Open Hellgold pouches for a chance to get limit 13 equip chests and sell them.
3) Farm Dokebi apples and sell them (hardcore Yangak competitors will buy them).
4) Farm Blazing Ent drops and sell them (They're a daily quest item).
5) Farm monster ETC quest items and sell them.
6) Sell cash for gold.

How do I train at Blazing Ent map (SSO)?

The only way to train at Blazing Ent without dying is to use pet defence. Blazing Ent is a 1-hit KO mob (regardless of your character level). My suggestion is to get a pet Xiezhi as it has the highest defence out of all pets (even higher than griffon). You have to get your pet to level 6 and above in order to be able to use the Pet Defence function.

What is the function of 2nd weapon? It doesn't affect my damage stat.

The function of 2nd weapon is to enable your character to use skills from both weapons of any job, so if for example you are a mage and equip 2 fans in Wp 1 and Wp 2 slots, you will only be able to use fan skills, however if you equip a fan in wp 1 and a staff in wp 2 slot, you will be able to use both fan and staff skills.

Usually, we put the weapon with higher ++ from seal compound and polish in Slot 1. The ++ from seal compound and polish in your 2nd weapon will NOT add to your overall damage, only stats such as DEX/INT/CON/STR and defence will add to your overall damage. Additional stats from gem effects will also be added to your overall damage :)

What is the use of grade in minions?

Not much use actually, increasing their grade only increases their attack very slightly, at grade 6, some minions will also change to their 2nd attack form. Currently, only Maiden Ghost, Skeleton, Moonlight Lady and Phantom Sword has a 2nd attack form, but it is very difficult to get them to level 6.

What is the difference between Internal and External minions?

External minions are Active, meaning they appear beside your character when equipped, and you have to use a key to make them attack), Internal minions are Passive and do not appear, but give
dditional bonuses such as increasing your Active minion's duration etc. when equipped.

Does getting a pet increase our base defense?

Getting a pet does not increase our base defence. When pet defence is turned on, damage will be taken only by your pet using your pet's defence points.

When do you think is the best level to spend the mastery skill in 1st job?

For 1st Job, you should spend skill points on those 1st job skills with highest target limits, after adding those skills you need, save the remaining for when you get better 2nd job skills :)

Where can I find the Spirit Stone in creation room?

You will have to buy the Spirit Stone creation recipe from the Chaste Hall Book Merchant first and right-click on it in your bag to add it to your Creation Room.

Where can I find Lesser Dragon Essence?

You can find Lesser Dragon Essence in Serpent Lair, the big snake mouth map with Golden Arachne (요안지) and Sightless Worm (기에충). Both these monsters drop the item, however the drop rate is slightly lower compared to normal items. Lesser Dragon Essence looks like the Golden Arachne's egg just that it is purple in colour.

How do I get x2, x3, x4, x5 Weapon/Armor Amulets and CSG?

x2 can be either bought from the cash shop or obtained from opening wooden and blue taehwa chests.

x3 and CSG can be obtained from either the Roulette (only in SSO), bought with cash from cash shop special package events, or from opening bronze taehwa chests.

x4 can be obtained from opening silver taehwa chests or from cash shop special package events.

x5 can only be obtained from opening gold taehwa chests.